<body> Once upon a rainbow <body>
Colourful Me

call me huiying kristine orange wilbur fire snowstar duck bean~!! ;]
i love all the colours in the RAINBOW!

myself.... <3
my boy boy :) --> AN <3

inorder to maintain my image
shall not type any.. haha..=p

Say Hi!

say something
talk to me here. Chat!Gossip!

Grant My Wishes

wishlist here!
I am not a greedy person..
just wanna to stay happy and...
do well for my studies.. :]

I'll melt Myself & flood Your heart...~.

The *stars* will be ALWAYS shining for me in the sky..

It is just ABOUT how u PERCEIVE me...

There is an APPLE dropping from the SKY..

I'm going to search for a place with a sea of *STARS*..

Somewhere over the SKY..

my ex blogskin... :)


Brushes: Moargh.de
Fonts: DaFont
Host: Blogger
Image: Glitter-graphics + chique-lilie
Layout: chique-lilie
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the 8hours spent on tues......

after our OP..:)

ah ma's birthday...

our project.... first generation nanyang artist~!!!!!
arrrrrrrrrrr..... damn cute.. ^.^

i found this is yunhui's phone... and i think is super nice... ahaha... oppz.

ok.. thats the best i can upload... but i still have more... so next time.. i gues... :)

shalalalala' Wednesday, October 31, 2007

haha.. alex saved my ipod... he is my ipod's benefactor :) OP was simply great.. ahah.. everything went on so smoothly like complete unbelievable.. ya.. and each of us like speak so well that makes me super high... haha... so we ended very early for the day.. but of course we have to be audience.. yup.~! haha.. took super lots of funny pictures... but the stupid blogger just refuse to let me post my pictures la... argh~! angry... ok... i just ate swensen.. :D haha... how?? fat liao... haha.. i am thinking whether i shoudl go work at bubble mix at CWP?? haha.. its like near and stuffsss... haha.. ya.. then ran into 3 'small eyes' guys... haha.. yingliang wee keat and weihao.. :) long time no see... yeah~!! chat for a while and went home.. im suppose to bake now for my class chalet tml... but... im so lazy... ok it 4 now... have to bath and bath liao.. smelly... haha.. upload next time.... :)

shalalalala' Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

this is BAD.... something terrible strike.... i have no idea why,.,... my my ipod HANG... it just cant do anything now.. play off and stuffs,.. and now it just stays there and wat..... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT... I CANT GO DOWN TO service centre now... i thikn it is closing... im going to cry la....

shalalalala' Tuesday, October 30, 2007

yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo.... im quite free these days except that i have to spend LOTS of time on my OP slides and stuffs... yup.. meet my class at 9am @ BK.. guess wat.. in the end we decided to eat @ mac.~!!! -.-.... this is so lame can.... but anyway... it has been long since i last eat mac breakfast... so i was satisfied today :).. cab to school and this uncle was super nice and funny...

he goes : your want to go innova not novena. it start with a i not n so it is innova not novena right...?the one beside sports school near christ chruch?? ya.. your go back for what? haven't yet holiday?? go back for AAC?? oh.. is CCA not AAC... do your use the swimming pool in sports school??.. ok i dont want to continue already... he is damn funny...

reached school at about 1030 and leave at 5.30~!!! 8 hours~!!!! but actually we only spend at most 3 hours on work... so the rest was spent on eating playing cards... talking gossiping finding a proper place for rehearsing and stuffs.. they wanted to go my house but they found SR@ so... ya.. we spend like wat 1/3 of the day inside this super cold room... haha.. we are very NOISY.. we shout scream and whatever la... FUN la... haha.. yup.. i love my class..... <3

tomorrow is the actual presentation for my class.. so everybody... jia you ok.. IM SCARE LA. walao... ok.. all the best then... happy chalet on thurs. :)

stupid problem with my com now.. damn it... argh~!!! who can save my ipod?? :"( it hang~!!!

p.s. happy birthday to hui yi [baby]

shalalalala' Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

i am so fat now... i ate like 4 bread today for breakfast and lunch then ate nasi lemak for dinner... which the chicken wing wa ssuper hard like rocks... ya... so huiying is basically fat now.... haha.. ok im crazy.. and i want to bake la.. my stupid sister dont want to bake with me... so i cant bake... :"(... sad.. today was the chinese apaer it was DAMN HARD... yup. then went to cwp foodcourt with my class... haha.. had much fun... was like going mad the whole trip... i haven't get my pierce yet la.. haiz... i wonder when will i have the courage to go pierce man~!!!! hmm..... my third ear hole... lets see.. ok... i must pierce by this week.... I HOPE... :) went over to boy boy's house just now and watched half of harry potter and the order of pheoix...

oh... went to eat yesterday with my ah ma and half of the chua family... haha... cause it my ah ma's birthday celebration... yup... :) yup.. eat AGAIN... so huiying is still fat... haha... haiya.. gonna have pw meeting tml... got to wake up at like 7++ to meet then at cwp at 8.~!!! wth... why must they meet soooo early... but nvm.. huiying is fit and healthy.. :D ok.. watching naruto now... bye.....

huiying want to be a ninja... :P

shalalalala' Monday, October 29, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

how could i forget to post that our class actually came in second for the GP current affairs test... HAHAHAHAHAHA.... so funny.. gonna save the food for the upcoming chalet next week.. yup.. haiz... havent been studying.. but read through the chinese notes and stuffs.. finally finish harry potter book 3 starting on book 4.. which is twice the thickness of the previous... i wonder how long will i take... haha...

i have an affination with bakings now.. i love bakings... haha.. i want to open a shop naming kristine's bake... haha... so do come when i open ok... :) ya... and each of you have to like buy a dozen cakes from me.. ok.. wait till i open the shop first... :D

cathing up with naruto........

shalalalala' Saturday, October 27, 2007

oh hi people, it is 8 in a saturday morning.. :) haha.. i just watched ji gong show.. it is still as nice as it used to be.. yup. actually i wake up at like 7 and went to the toilet then i heard the opening song then i wake up at 7.20 to watch. hee. and now.... i can't sleep.. -.- maybe i should go and study for chinese which is is on monday. im scared..

ok.. anyway my mood yesterday was super good, a total contrast to the day before la.. I AM HAVING MOOD SWING.. school end at 11.40 but i have to wait till 12.40 before i can leave :(. but nvm i kind of have fun, haha.. was totally engrossed in eugene's phone de game - dai ti... haha.. and i started screaming and shouting like nobody business... haha.. NOOBS.... i kept repeating this word... yup.. :P go around shouting laughing very loudly like carzy madwoman...

meet sis at town then waited for her like damn long.........!!!! wanted to buy a new pencil case but borders have no more nice metal ones, so i didn't get a new one.. maybe i will start using the tom&jerry one.. haha.... sooooooooo cute.. we then go shopping and she bought top.. i kept pestering her to buy the long necklaces and wore all those in topshop to show her, she just don't give a damn la. walao... -.- so irritating.. nvm... she simply have no taste.. haha.. oppz.. meet up with kaian later at town too.. and we went to continue shopping.. haha.. bought not many but somethings lo.. yeah... super happy.. i love shopping... oh ya.. i went to try this pair of super super super extremely high and slim heels for fun and it is damn hard to walk and balance~!!!! i seriously wonder how people can wear those and walk for the whole day~!!! goodness... my idol... haha.. but i likeeeeeee... gonna buy it when i grow up and learn how to walk in it ba... haha... :)

good day....

shalalalala' Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


today started off so badly with the morning broadcast, when SOOOOOOO many mistakesm was made by ...... and some for me.. then the teacher was saying how bad we are.. walao.. it is damn sickening and sad la.. i spend so long doing the script can.. and just because one is not familarise with the script then i have to be told off. haiz... wat a bad start for a day..

then i forgot to bring my I&R for mrs yang to see.. but it was still ok, i asked my sister to send to me.. so, ya thank you jie..

went on with pw and chinese which i can got a B for the mock test and all other people scored an A.. this is soooo irritataing.. :( and i have to wait all the way until 4 for the Q&A session. but it was quite ok.. yup.

they went for lunch downstairs and i stayed in class.. but then my mood was still super bad.. and bad things happened.. my bag was on the floor and this really pissed me off.. then when i went down... ya..... just very bad... luckily amos cheered me up with this bubble tea and choco and the talk.. thanks amos.. and thanks boy boy for accompanying me when u r so tired and busy at the moment.. jia you ok...

when you start realising that friends are drifting away and talking less to you, is not they never talk to you.. but is u never give them a chance and you never initiate like you used to.. because now u have someone more important to you than us.. you spend 95% of your time with her, walking, siting together and eat.. when u used to do that with us.. but since you are happy with it, then let it be.. i hope u willl be happy.. but when u lose her one day and u want to go back to your friends, u will know.... we will never be so close like we used to be anymore.

shalalalala' Thursday, October 25, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

haven't been blogging.. anyway.. finally got my hair cut, but i have no idea whether it is good or bad.. haha.. please enlighten me.. yup.. my mood nowadays was quite bad, feeling quite moody for the whole day, i just can lift up my mood.. WHY???

i went to fetch kaian last friday from school.. haha.. meeting leonard and jason, then went to queensway with them and zigui yunxuan.. only bought a short and nothing else.. that was my first time to queensway.. haha.. hmm.. actually nothing much also ba.. i guess.. but i found that kappa pumps that i wanted long ago.. too bad already got one.. so.. bye bye, pumps... haha..

and i finally watched secret.. quite nice.. and the storyline was innovative i wonder how jay could think of it?? travel through time?? same as deja vu... wow.. i want to learn piano man.. BUT i could never get to la.. old already then arent that flexible anymore :( but i still love piano

seeing my classmates going out with their PAE friends make me jealous.. why can they be so close like after so long.. haiz.. where is my pae friends?? is that 2 months just too short for them to remember me?? haiz.. when i attemp to call out my aj friends they seem to have forgotten about me.. i left comments on their friendster and they don't even reply me.. haiz.. WHY??? i treat then as friends?? do they?? forget it then.. just be contented lo.. maybe im still better off being a loner ba.. ok.. shall stop here.. 2 more hours to trg.. 减肥咯!!! 加油加油。
from long hait.....
to this.....
then now...~!!!!
nicer without specs... haiz.. too bad i cant wear contect coz my astigisim[whatever] is too high.

shalalalala' Monday, October 22, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i failed two papers in a row today~!! economic was horrible i dont expect myself to score so badly, i actually thought i can do well.. especially for essays.. i spent so much time parctising and i only got 20~! goodness.. case study was a bit better 12.. so i fail overall.. i am so SAD. next up was GP.. 23 for essay and 19 for comprehension.. haiz... im not going to pass my GP.. :"( i failed two out of six and that is about 33%.. OMG.. ok nvm.. forget it... bad mood..

a year passed by every quickly.. it is already october now and a few more weeks to nov.. haiz.. i have been in innova for six months and i made a group of good friends.. then janis left for US, which is better for her and she is coming back soon [that is dec or jan].. miss her.. and had much fun with this group of 'stupid' people.. haha.. oppz. i hope they dont read this. anyway.. people do change.. he now only hang out with her now and neglected us totally.. he no longer seat with us during lunchs, talk to us during breaks, or even walk with us.. this is so sad.. but nvm.. i still have 3 girls.. haha... and i really miss going out with my friends la. haven't been catching up with joel, jasmine, jason, the same old people.. jasmine : when can i ever go out with u?? haha.. busy woman... people.. remember pretty huiying ok.. :]

shalalalala' Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

oh.. today was boring.. school holiday~! i rather not.. hmm.. stayed at home whole day watched high school musical 2, not as nice.. yup.. im bored la.~!! people ask me out.. haha.. haiz.. it is only 2.19pm.. wat am i going to do for the rest of the hours..?? ok i shall go see if there is any works need to be done.. oh yeah. alkane and maclurin's tutorial.. haiz.. see ya.

shalalalala' Monday, October 15, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

omg.. i am so angry now..~!!! i cant cut my hair this week anymore... argh~!! stupid mum.. damn it.. have to wiat until next sat before i can cut my hair... I AM SO ANGRY CAN~!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH~!!!!!!!!!!!! not happy man.. what the hell....................

got back my papers except econ and GP..
chinese - overall B i guess
physics - just hit A 70%
math - just hit A too 71/100
chemistry - disappointing big fat D..

haiz... pw is the worse subject on earth.. have to prepare the slides tomorrow.. there goes my sunday....

I CANT CUT HAIR..~!!!!!!

shalalalala' Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007

im in school now~!! and GP lesson just ended.. it was superrrrr boring la.. doing research.. haiz... yeah.. anyway today have lots of free period... ya... BORING... and gonna have trg later so can jian jian jian fei.. :) rush rush rush to complete WR.. haiz... busy busy busy.. ok. nothing much to post... :P

shalalalala' Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

keroppi.. my new love.. omg so damn cute rite.. yup.. like me.. just not as fat.. :)

shalalalala' Wednesday, October 10, 2007

haiz.. these few days are quite bad for me.. i am like weighing a ton la.. yyupp.. have no idea why im putting on weight.. but anyway trg and pe tml.. so gonna exercise quite a lot yup.. pe sweat a bit too.. haha.. haiz.. how i can ever slim down ar??? so sad man.. anywya.. chem was reslly horrible only just passed.. yup. sad i dun wish to talk about it.. yeah~!! got an A for phy :) left 3 more papers to go...

huiying is really trying very hard to diet.. but it just doesn't turn out rite.

shalalalala' Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007


i came home today at 8.45pm....!!!! so late... yeah.. went to k-box with my friends.. then jasmine went town.. i wanted to go.. but i realised i didnt bring my wallet so.. haha.. forget it man.. so.. sing until so late and tired and damn cold.. :) haha.. but it was fun la.. haha

hmm.. interhouse today and it was super bad la.. LOST.. yup and almost sprain my ankle just about 2more degree.. so it is a bit painful now if i forced it la.. yup.. then sili and yunhui got hurt too.. they are so rough... and i got a ball right smack into my face.. walao.. damn pain.~!!!!!!!!! ok... i guess thats about it.. im tired...

thats my cookies.. :) [not sweet cookies]


in process..

my shoes.. thanks kaian

i think i am really SUPER fat now~!

reagen's hands after scissors paper stone.

shalalalala' Monday, October 08, 2007

Saturday, October 06, 2007

i am so free now... ya..nothing much to do but just sleep eat and watch tv.. :)

come to think of it.. To find out whether the friends around are 'good' just pay close attention to the words she/he will put for u.. so people do take note ok.. :]

haiya.. i am so troubled.... :/

shalalalala' Saturday, October 06, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

haha.. people i just baked... yup.. the 2nd batch of cookies are still in the oven.. yup.. so if there is any i shall bring it to school.. yeah!!! OH.. I AM SO TIRED. and i totally have no reason why.. played basketball this afternoon to evening..yeah then meet jason too.. haha.. anyway suppose to ply interhouse but the opponent didnt turn up so we happily walk over :) yeah.. went into the final without any sweat... :p so gonna play on monday.. people please DON'T come and suppport ok... hope sili me yunhui and huiyi.. [i guess] can win or wat la.. yup.. i dunno wat to blog.~!!!!!

i went out yesterday~! to bishan with kaian... bought this name stickers and a coin pouch which i get super fasinated over it la.. yup.. like a child.. nvm.. im cool.. haha...ate an expensive noodle and extremely nice yogurt which taste exactly like ice cream man... it is really nice, much nicer then the cwp ones... yup.. so go try it... i wanna eat now.. omg... damn nice.. *mouth-watering*... boring la. i want to sleep later... ok... im tired... ok.. boring post man.... :(

shalalalala' Friday, October 05, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

YEAH.... promos is finally over.~!!! and chem paper is so HORRIBLE la.. i think it is the worse paper for the whole mid course.. there goes my A already~! haiz... but anyway i hope i can do well for the rest and i hope my friends will do well too.. yup...so the past weeks were just study studying and studied... haha.. i am so relax now and i finally have the time.. just went out with my sister~!! haha.. as in yingliang.. yup.. a post birthday celebration for him lo.. ya.. i just treated him to mos... heez~! then drank ice yogurt which is not very nice... full of ice.. so failed.. haha.. walked arounf cwp for like a million times.. yeah~!! but nvm i HAVE TIME... tml no school... what should i do?? hmm.. dunno got go out with jas a not.. hmm... nvm.. but im going to have a good sleep tonight.. oh ya.. he said i look like i have put on weight le.. DIE.. its time for me to...........减肥了。 我一定要瘦下来!加油,加油,加油。EXERCISE MAKE ME THIN. haha.. ok.. nth to blog le.. took some pic with ying liang[the better one].. haha... hmmm...
its so dark~!!!!! but can see is me and him la.. haha.. ok... hey thanks for accompanying me ok... :)

shalalalala' Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

here's a super quick post attemting to make my blog alive again. hmm.. 2 more days to wed, to last paper, to my free time..~!! yeah~!! studying very hard on sat, sun and today.. going back to school for chem consultation tml.. hmm.. so tired.. and so bored.. all i can do is study for phy and chem.. in addition the weather is super super hot can~! how to study man.. on air con la... stupid~!!! lame.. crapping.. ok gonna meet yingliang this wed for dinner, a make up for his birthday and his birthday present like 2 months ago.. then thursday i should be going with.... someone.. i guess.. yup... and fri school is super boring.. so take a look in mlg.. omg.. going to faint... yup.. nothing high lately.. so... all the best for my physics and chemistry paper on wed... hope that i can get 3As... haha... :)))

shalalalala' Monday, October 01, 2007